We have developed a line of scented soap using only fresh, whole, hormone and antibiotic free milk, from our own happy and healthy Nubian goats! In some blends we use other natural ingredients, such as oatmeal, lavender seeds, and peppermint leaves, to mention a few.
Our “Natural Shea Butter” soap, molded with Goat Milk imprinted on the top, has our own fresh goat milk, olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, sweet almond oil, castor oil and shea butter along with the use of Sodium Hydroxide (which in the old days, was derived from wood ash) to turn the oils into soap (the ONLY way to make REAL soap). That’s all we use! We don’t use any chemicals, preservatives, powdered milk, fillers or detergents. Glycerin, another wonderfully emollient skin care product, is naturally created in the soap making process! You won’t find a gentler bar of soap than one made with goat’s milk and fine oils!
We offer many options of scented bars as well, some include added botanicals such as peppermint leaves and home roasted oatmeal. We use both natural Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils to create rich, enticing, fragrance choices.

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